First of all, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to two people, as without their help this discovery would not have been possible. One was the recommendation of watching a documentary which made me aware again of a question I had in the back of my mind. The other person a dear friend of mine only said the words, “Yin Yang.” and that resulted in everything becoming clear in my mind in an instant. I had no idea that the answer would combine so many other pieces of knowledge and produce a much bigger truth for me. Thank you again for your help! We all are working together. All of this didn’t happen overnight. It takes time. You get a little bit of information here and there, then you go on with your life. I wish I could share those personal experiences with you, but experiences can’t be shared. That’s why each of us has to do the discovery of their own inner self by themselves. Other people can help, but they can’t do it for you.
Author Archive
The Balance Of Life
Some people claim the Emerald Tablet to be the oldest scripture known to man. Very intelligent people, like Sir Isaac Newton, have studied the text and translated it into the languages of their times. If you’d like additional information regarding the tablet, an Internet search will provide weeks of reading material. As a starting point, here is the complete translation that I prefer.
A Simple Gesture
Today I want to present a simple short story. I guarantee you that no matter how your day was, this story will make you smile and lift your spirit. You are going to feel so good!
Martin Luther King, Jr.Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
Can you tell me the future? Yes I can!
Isn’t it amazing how many people want to know their future? So many people want to know: Will I be successful with this idea? Will I find my soul mate? Will I find ever lasting love? Will I …. you fill in the blanks. It seems like we humans have such a huge desire to be able to look successfully into the future.
Some people are able to tell vague outlines of a possible future and it may become true to a certain extent or based on the interpretation of the words. But no one is able to predict your future like a movie. No one can say on day X you will do this. On day Y you will win the lottery etc.
Thank your Spirit Guide
What? I should thank my spirit guide? What is that? I don’t have one. Ok Ok. Don’t get all worked up now, because I asked you something to do which you don’t believe exists. Or maybe you are the person who has already met their spirit guide and has no problem at all with what I’m asking you to do. It doesn’t matter what background you come from.
Welcome to HTHR!
So what is this blog about? The only purpose of this blog is to make you think Happy Thoughts. Why? Because if you do, no challenge or anything in your life will bring you down. After all everyone of us should just have fun with their life right now. I doubt anyone who is having negative thoughts really enjoys them. So if you came here because you are feeling down or you want to continue riding on the Happy Thoughts wave, then you came to the right place.
I want to publish a post every week which will either be a little exercise for you to train your mind to think positive or just something which will invoke a wonderful feeling which in turn will make your mind continue producing beautiful thoughts.